Thursday, July 2, 2009


Our Russian roulette crossing, was fun! Until the day I got hit.

My brother and our neighborhood friends, enjoyed dodging cars, and bicycles. We waited until the vehicle was almost upon us, before darting across its path. I was six years old and my brother was 5. Our friends were roughly the same age. This was one of our regular things to do just for laughs.

As customary, with this sort of fun, there is always one child lagging behind, who gets hit. This time it was me. I felt ashamed as my contemporaries fled the scene. They ran home, and I hurriedly, brushed myself off, and left the scene with my cuts and scrapes. The cyclist, took off.

THINK WELL OF OTHERS AND SPEAK WELL OF OTHERS, or you will be ashamed of your stinking-thinking, and be forced to sign your name as ANONYMOUS. Do unto others, as you would like to be done you.
D. E. Witt

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