Friday, July 31, 2009


It was in the middle of the night, when I felt a warm and wet feeling beneath me! I was ashamed when I wet the bed. However, nothing compared to what happened next.

"You are seven years old, how can you be wetting the
bed? The next time you wet the bed young lady, you will sleep on the
I took a good long look at the hard wood floor. Dismayed. I thought to myself, I will wee-wee before bedtime from now on.

I hurried off the bed from my spot in the corner, against the wall. I hurriedly changed the sheets, while listening to my grand-mother.

She eventually chipped in and gave me an extra towel to rest under my bottom to prepare for my next accident. I never wet the bed again. I awoke every hour, on the hour to check under myself. That was the longest night for many years to come.

To this day I cannot sleep through the night.

(Enuresis; Primary Nocturnal Enuresis; PNE)
by Debra Wood, RN

Bed-wetting is involuntary urination during sleep in children over age five. Typically around ages 3 to 5 years, children become able to sleep through the night without wetting. While infection or anatomic abnormalities of the urinary system may explain bed-wetting at night, most cases have no explanation and are referred to by doctors as primary nocturnal enuresis (PNE).

When children are sleeping, the bladder may signal the brain that it is full. But the brain must return a signal for the bladder not to empty. Then the child must wake up and go to the bathroom.
Causes of bed-wetting are varied and may overlap. Contributing factors include:
Bladder control that develops more slowly than normal
Greater than average urine production at night
Genetic predisposition
A sleep disorder, sometimes related to enlarged tonsils or adenoids

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