Friday, May 14, 2010


At dinner-time when daddy came home before we retired for bed, we took turns sitting on one of his knees while he ate. Oryan (name change) and I were always excited to sit with daddy for his late supper, after all we had dinner earlier at the normal time.

Daddy would ask us "who's turn is it to sleep in daddy's bed tonight?" Excitedly we both chimed in saying "My turn!" Daddy wound up deciding for us.

Unlike other times, this one night was different for me. I was awoken in the darkness of the night to feel something warm and soft nudging my face. It felt like a human appendage. Without further investigation, I learned what it was because he was being persistent. I quickly turned onto my belly and placed my arms up around my face. For protection without confrontation I coiled into a fetal position, and pretended to fall back asleep.

I learned one more time that grownups could not be trusted. No matter who they were and how they were related to you.

These 49 pages are for my upcoming autobiography. To fully enjoy it you need to start from the beginning of the first chapter, "scar in my hand."

Please leave a comment for me. Thanks for following A JAMAICAN PRINCESS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting entry... I'd be interested to read what is to come. If you need any editing feel free to let me know. Sincerely, Jacynth