Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Me, A Child-Mother to my Nephew?!

As usual, I returned home to stay with daddy and my older siblings after what seemed like an eternal visit with daddy's mother, gram ma. I was happy to re-unite with my younger brother, Orien(Oreen). I was about to be 8 years old and he would soon be seven.

I remember a sunny day on the Veranda(front porch), when I watched the birds and wondered how fast I'd have to move in order to catch one of them, for a pet. Like a cat I loved to just sit and watch birds. When suddenly, a young woman, came up the walk from around the bush that hid the view from the road where traffic sounded like a rushing river.

I think her name was Jennifer. She was slender and her face was beautiful with chocolate powdered colouring and cherry red lips. Her hair was short and she had the tapered sides curved into "kiss curls" beside each ear. On one hip she carried a chubby baby and over the other shoulder she carried a big cloth bag that was so stuffed, the baby bottles were poking out of the top.

Baby's face was shiny and he had a runny nose from crying with tear filled eyes. The little one was constantly rubbing his nose with the back of his fist, as if to help himself breathe. He was miserable.

Without warning, she plopped the infant into my arms and asked me to hold him for her a minute. Then she asked me "where is your brother, Tony? I answered " he is not here right now." Next, she told me "keep holding the baby until I get back from the store across the street." That was the last time I saw her for what seemed like a whole year.

Here comes trouble...
When my big sister came home and saw the baby, she said "You got yourself a baby, you are on your own with it!"

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