Thursday, June 25, 2009


Independence is a cold truth. Only a small child can accept such a position with brevity. What is brevity? Is it the other face of denial? Was my 5 year old brother bothered? Unanswered questions, live in the minds of youngsters who seem to adjust. Yes. especially when adjustment is the cornerstone of survival.

My brother Orien took refuge in food, and bawled when he was hungry. I took refuge in solitude, because, I felt safe there. Power? What power has a 6 year old girl, whose mother walks out without no more explanation than"good bye"? Especially when mother orders her to obey a sudden-reunited teen sister without question. Talk about a sentencing.

Withdrawal? Obstinate? Depression? Call it what you wish. I had trouble eating. Food was hard to swallow. What a bother. Nowadays, it's called separation anxiety.

And bless my sister, Yvonne, who was thrown into a world of responsibility, way out of her league. Was she ready? No. Did she have a choice? No. Was she resentful? Yes! She did the best she could under the circumstances. I grew to admire and respect my sister as only a faithful sister, could. Hindsight is 20/20

My Yvonne was a good girl. She was delicately built. Fair complected. A cute button nose, and an affective smile with dark eyes. Her hair was tall, thick and black. In Jamaica long hair is referred to as "tall.") I used to love to watch my sister get gussied up for a Friday night on the town with her friend, Marie. She would have her french manicure. Groomed eyebrows, and black eyeliner. Did I mention her up-swept do, with the french twist in the back of it?! Of course she wore her favorite little black dress. We didn't have much but my sister managed to get a straightening perm from time to time. I thought she was so beautiful.

At the age of six, I admired my sister, so. My brother on the other hand, wailed aloud, on Friday nights as she was about to leave. It was painful for him when she left us. Me? I stayed quiet.

I remembered wondering when it would be my turn to help out with chores like sweeping, and more. Yes. I got my chance....oh-boy did I ever?

More to come...

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