Thursday, June 10, 2010


I wanted a doll so badly since the doll mommy sent was broken and lost, that I wished for and even got a paper doll once.

Now that I am living at daddy's home for good I did not have my paper doll anymore or my plastic blown-up Santa Clause.

I created the doll I wanted with the help of our next door neighbor. She was kind enough to give me some scraps of fabric with a sewing needle and a spool of thread.

I was only nine years old but was often told that I was too old to play with a doll, but I did not care. I wanted one so I cut out the shape of a doll in two pieces to create the front and back sides. Then I stuffed it with the remaining scraps.

I even sewed in her hair one strand at a time with the needle and thread. My cloth doll had a head full of thread hair and a painted on face. I admit it was a primitive doll, but it made me happy. I even made a dress and baggy(pantie) for her.

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